By Christine Mason. CEI conducted an online survey in December 2013-January 2014. We will be using the results to help guide our activities in 2014.
Congratulations to our Winners. Thanks to all of you who responded to our recent Research Interests Survey. Respondents had the option of registering for a drawing for prizes. CEI is pleased to announce three winners:
Julie Martin-Beaulieu, Principal of Keeney Street School, in Manchester, CT, is the grand prize winner and will be receiving a Kindle Paperwhite.
Elizabeth Ness, Principal with Minneapolis Public Schools, and Patrick Boodey, Principal of Woodman Park Elementary School inDover, NH, each won 20% discounts on CEI workshops.
Highlights from Survey
Ratings are on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being high.
The greatest interest was shown in STEM research (3.9), followed by heart centered learning (3.6), neuroscience (3.5), academic rigor (3.4), and other (2.9).
Some of the other areas of interest were: project based learning, high engagement of urban learners, 21st century skills, educational equity, communication, parent engagement, onine teaching, technology, and tracking progress monitoring.
Regarding CEI blogs, tweets, and newsletters, topics of greatest interests were rigor (3.8) and STEM (3.7).
Respondents agreed with CEI’s premise that principals should be engaged in all stages of educational research (rated at 4.6).
Respondents agreed that 21st century school leadership should include principal mentoring (4.5), heart centered leadership that builds on strengths (4.5), an orientation towards culturally sensitive, global competence (4.3), and futuristic technical assistance and professional development (4.3).
Most respondents were very interested in being engaged in 21st Century research with CEI through being a reader and follower (3.9), participating in a national survey (3.5), participating on an advisory committee (3.5), and implementation in your school or district (3.4).
While a limitation of this research is the small number of respondents (152), from our database of 5523 subscribers, we are paying attention to those leaders who took time to respond. (Thank you!) Of course we will update our approaches, as we gain additional information.
CEI is interested in hearing from you. Please let us know if you would like to be an active participant in research in any of our priority areas!