Date: Tuesday, June 30 | Time: 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. | Location: Westin Hotel, Melbourne Room, 3rd Fl
Our panel discussion on the many ways these innovations are being implemented to advance critical thinking, metacognition, problem-solving, and deep conceptual understanding among students at all levels.
Dr. Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director
Dr. Kathleen Sciarappa, CEI Board Member
Dr. Nancy Phenis-Bourke, CEI Board Member
Paul Liabenow, CEI Board Member
Other featured speakers include Dr. Melissa Patsckhe, Jill Flanders, Heather Smith, and Joe Crowley. Each of our panel members will describe their innovations, followed by an attendee Q&A opportunity.
More Information on our Panel:
Mason will describe CEI’s work this year with STEM/STEAM and Heart Centered implementation in schools and update attendees on the revised CEI Technology Use Guidelines.
Relationships & Resiliency in our Schools. Dr. Melissa Patschke, NAESP Board member and Principal of Upper Providence School in Royersville, PA will explore practical classroom and building-wide strategies for ‘Encouraging Trusting Relationships among Learning Stakeholders’, including how modeling inner strength and flexibility in your leadership will contribute to a system wide, intentional, resilient school community.
The Michigan Elementary Middle Schools Principal Association guides principals with presentations and technical assistance for innovative neuroscience and STEM projects. Paul Liabenow, MEMSPA Executive Director, will describe implementation and results with 3 of 20 schools districts in Michigan who have Implemented Neuroplasty and Education United.
Nancy Phenis-Bourke, Ed.D. NAESP’s Principal Mentor Certification Program creates a core of experienced principals with appropriate skills and tools to promote leadership consistent with professional standards. The NAESP Principal Mentoring program builds mentoring skills for veteran principals through a network of experienced mentor coaches and Professional Learning Communities via monthly online professional development interactions including leadership skills and design thinking strategies. These skills and strategies include but are not limited to the following areas: empathy, feedback, listening, questioning, sensitivity, networking, and goal setting.
Kathleen Sciarappa, Ed. D. will update attendees on NAESP Rigor Rubric and its focus on student metacognition, goal setting, and developing critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Poverty impacts children and schools in so many ways; Joe Crowley, Executive Director of the Rhode Island Association of School Principals will discuss the influence of poverty on student well-being and learning, including 21st Century solutions.
Heather Smith, Principal, Lilja Elementary School, Natick, Massachusetts Doctoral Candidate and Instructor, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. Ms. Smith will discuss how she helps teachers in her school in ‘Understanding and Integrating Core Findings from Cognitive Neuroscience‘ into their daily decisions to conduct engaging lessons and target student cognitive skills.
Jillayne Flanders, Principal of Plains Elementary School South Hadley, Massachusetts will discuss Early Education at her PreK-1 school, including a heart centered song and program, KindMinds developed at her schools.