For the past three months CEI has been promoting a 21st Century program we developed to help 6th-8th grade students understand not only issues related to hunger, but also civic responsibility and the importance of philanthropy. We have awarded 10 stipends to teachers who agreed to implement the program and provide feedback to CEI.
In 2017, CEI will award additional stipends to teachers who agree to provide feedback on how they used this program in their schools. The application deadline is January 25. As one recent recipient shared, “This program is so important to help students realize how they can make a difference for others.” That teacher went on to say that “many of her students experience hunger, however, the lessons will help them learn about the extent of hunger that children and families face in other countries.” Another teacher plans on implementing the program as a service learning project. She is using her stipend for field trips and plans on “skyping” with people as a part of her outreach to food distribution outlets, such as food pantries, in her community.
To offer assistance, we’ve developed the following responses to “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQs):
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need to complete all lessons to get a stipend from CEI?
A: The lessons are comprised of a total of 16 sessions. For 2017, we are introducing a new bonus session, “Turkey Trivia,” which is fun, exciting, and optional. Also, for the 2017 program, only 8 sessions are required, including 4 that we designate. If you have concerns that you may not be able to complete all lessons, let us know how many lessons you can implement. Prior to making the final awards, we will discuss your specific needs and consider those best suited to support your students, as well as your circumstances.
Q: What is the “Turkey Trivia” lesson? Why might middle school students be interested?
A: This is a newly created bonus gamification lesson, which teachers can use now or reserve for Thanksgiving. It fast-paced, and designed for tech savvy, middle school students. It meets ELA and Science standards related to researching material, citing evidence, preparing for discussion, and posing questions. “Turkey Trivia” includes not only links to turkey facts, but also questions regarding world hunger, philanthropy, and solutions to food insecurity. The lesson guides teachers and students through a process whereby they are actively engaged in designing and compiling the questions for their peers prior to playing the Turkey Trivia game. This lesson is available only to schools that submit an “application for a teacher stipend.”
Q: What do the student awards entail?
A: Students whose teachers certify they are implementing our food insecurity lessons are encouraged to apply for student awards: First Place: $500 (one award), Second Place: $350 (one award), Third Place: $250 (one award), and Honorable Mention (five awards). Download the 2017 Student Award Application. BONUS: Teachers of students awarded prizes at the first, second or third place levels also receive a $250.00 prize.
Q: I already have a similar curriculum related to hunger/food insecurity, etc. Can I use some of the CEI lessons with my current curriculum?
A: Yes, you can combine our lessons with your existing curriculum. Tell us in a few words what you are already planning. Know too that our lessons will help you meet objectives for the Common Core, National Science Standards, and state level curriculum.
Q: We have some great resources in our community, including farmers, an agricultural college, and a farm business management program at a nearby university. How can we take advantage of their expertise?
A: That is good news. There are hundreds of ways to coordinate activities. Food security is an important consideration for the next few decades, so linking to these existing resources should be very helpful.
Q: Can I implement the Food Insecurity Lessons in an after school program?
A: Yes, the lessons are designed to support students at the 6th-8th grade levels in a variety of academic and learning settings.
Q: Is it possible to implement this with students at the 3-5 grade levels, as well as 6th graders?
A: With modification, yes, the lessons can be implemented with students at the 3-5 grade levels. Apply now and we will help you with your project design.
Q: I want my students to learn about issues related to hunger, but what is the meaning of the phrase, “food insecurity?”
A: Food insecurity refers to instances where people cannot count on the availability of affordable, nutritious food. Many families in the U.S. and around the world face issues related to food insecurity and appropriate nutrition. This phenomenon impacts their health, and also impact the learning of children.
Q: I am interested in implementing the lessons, but I am not quite certain how to fit this into my schedule during the January – May 2017 period. Am I still eligible for this award?
A: New for 2017- only 8 sessions are required to receive the stipend. Let us know that you need help with this planning. We can provide special consultation to assist you.
Q: Several teachers at my school are interested in implementing the lessons. Can we receive more than one stipend for our school?
A: You may submit up to three (3) applications per school. Make sure and tell us how different students and teachers will be involved.
Q: I don’t have time to get approval, complete the application, download/scan/and email the application, and get it to CEI. Do I have any other application options?
A: The 2017 form can be completed and submitted online, all in one-step.
Check out our lessons, guidelines, and handouts. Download the Teacher Stipend application here.
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