Imagine that you are teaching and have a way to monitor and record student achievement as students work. That you have a way to aggregate classroom data, check to see how individual students are doing , and make decisions about reteaching by looking at a computer monitor. Imagine that you can examine these data and make decisions about reteaching, moving students ahead, or backing up to cover prerequisite skills. Imagine you enter a math classroom and see that all students are fully engaged, independently, and moving along grade level materials.
Check out ASSISTments. According to that website: “ASSISTments is a free web-based platform, hosted by Worcester Polytech Institute, that allows teachers to write individual ASSISTments (composed of questions and associated hints, solutions, web-based videos, etc.) The word ‘ASSISTments’ blends tutoring ‘assistance’ with ‘assessment’ reporting to teachers. It supports all subjects (i.e., Math, English, etc.) and due to federal grants, has a huge repository of math content. ASSISTments is not just a math tutoring system. It’s an ecosystem of researchers, schools, parents, funders, and state partners, working together to help students.”