Paul Liabenow, President of CEI and Executive Director of MEMSPA, the Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principals Association, in describing the need for this measure of social emotional learning, says, “The situation is urgent. Teachers and principals are challenged by the lack of capacity to deal with social emotional learning. Your participation in this survey will help define the future of how we view and address school bullying, discipline, self-regulation, and readiness to learn at all grade levels.
The scale we are developing is an important 21st Century tool that will empower teachers and schools — it will give you a valid measure of some of the practices that many excellent schools are beginning to use. If you are teacher, please respond now. If you are a principal, superintendent or other school administrator, please forward this to your teachers and encourage their responses. Follow the lead of Dr. Ben Edmondson, Superintendent of Ypsilanti, who is encouraging all K-8 teachers in his district to respond.”
Respond by Jan. 29 to be eligible for one grand prize of a $250 Amazon gift card. Other prizes include $50 Amazon gift cards – we will award 10 of these
S-CCATE (The School- Compassionate Culture Analytic Tool for Educators) is appropriate for K-8 schools and the validation study will be conducted with schools that offer services to at least one of these grades. The S-CCATE is based on a scientific review of the research and input from teams of principals and teacher-leaders over a 7-year time period. It should take teachers 12- 15 minutes to complete.
Click here to begin the survey
Prizes for Participation: Teachers can choose to enter a drawing for $50 Amazon gift cards – 10 cards will be awarded to teachers who respond by January 29. Also, just added one grand prize of a $250 Amazon gift card.
The S-CCATE, empowers teams of teachers and staff to vision, plan, monitor, and report positive changes that address social emotional learning. Along with many of the standard indicators of climate such as positivity, respect, and engagement, are research-proven strategies such as mindfulness, self-regulation, cultural competence, and an understanding of trauma, neuroscience and emotions– these are all important in supporting students and learning. When validated, the S-CCATE will be an instrument that schools can use as an alternative assessment under ESSA
S-CCATE is completed online in google docs. Participation is voluntary and schools/teachers may discontinue participation at any time. All data will be coded, teacher confidentiality is assured, and reports will be in the aggregate. If schools or teachers have questions regarding confidentiality and privacy please contact Dr. Christine Mason at, 571-213-3192.
All participating schools/districts will receive a report of the results and the instrument, when validated, could become an important tool for furthering improvements in classroom and school climate and better preparing students for academic instruction.
Thank you for supporting our efforts to help increase mindfulness and compassion in schools to further well-being, reduce stress, and accelerate academic learning. Thanks to MEMSPA for funding this Validation Study and to Matt Bergey, doctoral student and teacher at Upper Providence Elementary School in Royersford, PA, for formatting the survey in google docs and assisting with data analysis.