By Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director & Dana Asby, CEI Director, Innovation and Research Support
Trauma and stress are impacting far too many children and youth. The Childhood Trauma-Learning Collaborative (C-TLC), a project supported by Center for Educational Improvement, the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health, and the New England Mental Health Technology Transfer Center, is tasked with helping schools to become aware of needs and concerns impacting children’s mental health. Our curated list of mental health resources for educators identifies ways that schools can help alleviate the impact of trauma and stress on children and youth at risk of/or who have experienced trauma.
“The focus of the Childhood-Trauma Learning Collaborative is to help educators create positive compassionate school environments where children and youth are able to thrive and learn. “ ~Dr. Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director
The compilation of guides, news articles and resources, the C-TLC Resource Packet, is designed to provide background information to help with the implementation activities of the C-TLC. We hope this inspires you to implement relevant policies, procedures, and activities in your school/district. Share this list with your school or district staff so that everyone has resources to support the social-emotional health of students who have experienced trauma.