By Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director
Thanksgiving! CEI continues to thrive due to a dedicated team, your interest and support, and those who are venturing with us into the future. I am particularly appreciative of the planning, teaming, and sharing that CEI completed in 2014, with special thanks to:
The many teachers, principals, and educational leaders who continue to lead education into the future.
All educators who continue to care about students and to promote personalized learning that builds on student strengths.
The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and in particular to all of the NAESP mentors for their leadership and support of principals.
The CEI Board members who continue to advise and support CEI as we move forward
CEI Trainers such as Kevin Manning, Sue Mullane, Ajeet Khalsa, Renee Sandell and Liz Parry for the gifts they bring to schools and districts in sharing their wisdom and knowledge in STEM, engineering, the arts, and education.
The many CEI Interns who have helped with our research and writing and the CEI staff and associates who have helped with communications, editing, planning, and our website.
All of our subscribers and followers for your quest and the excellence you bring to your schools and programs.
This year we are so pleased to see the recent achievements of some of CEI’s partners. We are grateful to the many great souls who are connecting with CEI as they move forward with wonders of their own. Special accolades to:
Peter Yarrow, of the Peter, Paul and Mary folk trio. Peter is continuing to work for peace in his appearances in public and educational forums, and with his anti-bullying program, Operation Respect. With Mark Weiss, Education Director for Operation Respect, Peter continues to travel the globe to spread his program for expanding cooperation and caring in schools.
We are thrilled that Peter and his colleague Noel Paul Stokey have just release a beautiful book of black and white photos, Peter Paul and Mary, 50 Years in Music and Life.
Dr. Bruce Wexler and his colleagues at C8 Sciences for the remarkable science they are pursuing in the
Activate cognitive neuroscience programs they have developed to further attention, memory, and six other executive functions. C8 Sciences has just introduced a new Intuitive version of Activate that includes game-play experience to further student engagement. Activate is the only brain-based computer program that also integrates physical exercises to strengthen neural pathways.
Dr. Rony Berger, a researcher at the University of Tel Aviv, and Dr. Yotam Heineberg who are collaborating with CEI, in promoting compassion and prosocial behavior. Dr. Berger is working with individuals impacted by post traumatic stress, including the aftermath (and prevention) of terrorism; Dr. Heineberg, from Palo Alto University, is helping to build bridges to peace for gang members and others through mindfulness contemplation. In this time of international angst and turmoil, we applaud the dedication, commitment, and continuing work of Drs. Berger and Heineberg.
