Are you looking for graduate education to prepare you and your students for the future? Consider a master’s degree in Learning Science and Engineering. Because CEI is focused on educational innovations, we are enthusiastic about this new program at Carnegie Mellon University.
Gains in cognitive and social psychology are changing the way we understand students, how they learn, and how we work to improve their performance. Carnegie Mellon University’s new interdisciplinary professional masters in Learning Science and Engineering represents a particularly exciting opportunity to study this emerging discipline. The program integrates the latest research and includes study of psychometric and educational data mining methods. High quality actionable educational data is a game changer. The New Application Deadline is Jan. 31, 2013.
Carnegie Mellon University has two opportunities worth noting: the new masters in Learning Science and Engineering and a collaboration opportunity through LearnLab.
Graduates will help design the future of educational technology by re-examining the goals of education and assessment and making innovative change. Taught by leaders in the fields of computer science, psychology, and design, the one-year Master of Science program is designed for individuals with a background in psychology, education, computer science, design, information technology, and business. Students will gain in depth study in the following:
Psychometric and educational data mining methods
Interaction design
Cognitive and social psychology principles
Design, implementation, and evaluation of educational interventions
Graduates of the program will be ready to assume key positions in corporations and private and public universities and schools. They will become designers, developers, and evaluators of educational technologies and learning environments as well as domain experts, learning technology policy-makers, or Chief Learning Officers.
The application deadline for the Fall 2013 inaugural class is Jan. 31, 2013. More information about this exciting new program and the application can be found at