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Chris Cody

Principal Researcher, American Institutes of Research, Washington, DC

Advisory Board

Christopher A. Cody is a principal researcher in the education statistics program area at American Institutes for Research (AIR). Dr. Cody serves as project director of the Longitudinal Studies work for AIR. Dr. Cody oversees AIR’s work of expert support to NCES and contractors across all sample/longitudinal studies over the study lifecycle, including issues relating to study design, instrumentation, documentation, reporting, and quality assurance for data products and oversees the high-quality, on-time delivery of more than 75 major annual deliverables. Additionally, Dr. Cody serves as project director of the Postsecondary Administrative Data (IPEDS) work for AIR. Dr. Cody oversees AIR’s work of expert support to NCES and contractors across all IPEDS surveys over the lifecycle of the yearly collection, including survey design, documentation, reporting, and quality assurance for data products. Finally, Dr. Cody serves as the Staffing Liaison for the Education Statistics Program Area. Dr. Cody has more than 15 years of experience leading teams that provide research and statistical support across all levels of education, specifically 8 years of experience leading teams that support NCES studies designs and data quality.

Prior to joining AIR, Dr. Cody was the director of research and public policy at The Public School Forum of North Carolina, where he lead research projects on several education topics, such as local school finances, charter school policies, and expanded learning opportunities. Also, Dr. Cody was a fellow with the Education Policy Fellowship Program sponsored by the Institute for Education Leadership and co-coordinated the North Carolina Education Policy Fellowship Program. His work on charter school governance and finances, along with his other research on education policies and nonprofit studies, has been presented at national conferences, such as the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action and the American Society of Public Administration. Dr. Cody also has authored several public service and outreach publications on a variety of education policy issues, such as The North Carolina Local School Finance Study, Education 24/7: Expanded Learning Opportunities for North Carolina Students to be Career and College Ready, and North Carolina’s Road Map to Need. Dr. Cody's research at North Carolina State University focused on charter school governance with a dissertation entitled Understanding Factors That Influence Charter School Board Roles and Responsibilities.

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